You know a few days ago something just pushed me to write a few words about reading terms and conditions before signing contracts.
When I saw the Cynthia Morgan episode I was just like aha, as a business person who have no prior knowledge of law, and contracts or even agreements, one of the first things you should budget when starting a business is getting a lawyer, or talking to a lawyer to navigate you through the murky Waters of signing contracts when you don't fully understand terms. I will say it again a lawyer will be your negotiator, legal advisor, lobbyist and even publicist. It's just sad that in this part of the world people take these things for granted.
Most of you have ended up in houses that are not tenantable simply because you just signed the tenancy agreement without looking through clauses like maintenance, repairs and notices e.t.c.
I will give an example sometime last year a friend of mine was approached by someone who had earlier told him that they wanted him to be a brand ambassador for their oils, whereas in the contract they typed out the terms to look like that a common marketer, and he had to be selling their products to earn a percentage. Now in the contract it was stated that the company reserved the right to determine the number of bottles of oils sold and some other crazy stuff they put in. If I hadn't asked him and looked at the contract when I did, he would have just signed something he would be fully obligated to without fully understanding the terms. Next time when you want to sign that document remember that lack of knowledge of the terms in a contract after you have signed cannot exonerate you from fulfilling the obligations of that contract.


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