Random Musings about Childbirth

Dear religious fanatically myopic folks, this is Nigeria, not the land of Hebrews.
I know some of you think that because a lot of us women are liberated and speak our minds so we must be devil's and do not read the Bible, the book of Exodus was originally translated from it's Greek form and was recorded as an account of how God delivered the Israelites from the oppressive hands of the Egyptians. Now to the particular verse that has caused so much uproar and several deaths of women, You must try to read your Bible to understand for yourself that this was an extraordinary time when Pharaoh sought to kill innocent children that were born and charged midwives to kill any child that was born of an Israelite woman, so the spirit of God quickened his people read Exodus Chapter 1 vs 19 particularly, it says
"The midwives said to Pharaoh, Because the Hebrew women aren’t like the Egyptian women; for they are vigorous and give birth before the midwife comes to them” — They are vigorous, what does the word vigorous mean, strong, healthy and full of energy unlike the Egyptian women. Now this alone should tell anyone that there was a difference, which was the fact that God helped the Israelites to stay above the plans of the enemies who were the Egyptians at the time. There was nowhere in that verse where the vigour of the women nor childbirth was likened to vaginal delivery. Go back and read that verse again
Childbirth, according to Wikipedia also known as labour and delivery, is the ending of pregnancy where one or more babies leaves the uterus by passing through the vagina or by a Caesarean section.
There is no such thing as giving birth like a “Hebrew woman”. Vaginal childbirth is not better than surgical childbirth. So as often as we can, let’s educate one another that the most important thing about childbirth is the well-being of the mother and baby and nothing more, women are dying as result of certain misleadings and misinterpretations of the scripture, it's sad that this is still happening in 2020. I believe in the efficacy and power of God, God made all things including the knowledge that the doctors have, so if you are pregnant and in labour a doctor is the expert, not your Pastor. The concerns of your pastor should be to ask God in prayers to grant you and your child safety by whatever means necessary, not complicate the medical instructions given or cause your death.


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